报告人:Terence Spithill 教授 & Hayley Toet 博士 澳大利亚拉筹伯大学农业生物科学中心 Topic 1: Current Threat of Triclabendazole resistance and Vaccine Development Against liver fluke Topic 2: Ex vivo Immunoproteomic analysis of TegAgs for Fasciola hepatica 时间:2018年6月15日(周五),下午2:00-5:00 地点:动医动科大楼401 联系人:刘晶 62732622 报告人简介 Terence Spithill, Professor of Animal Sciences His recent research has focused on the parasites liver fluke and malaria, studying areas such as host immune responses to parasites, parasite immune evasion mechanisms, drug resistance, parasite proteomics and vaccine and drug target discovery. This involves characterizing parasite molecules that determine virulence and pathogenesis using genomic and proteomic approaches, with the long-term aim of developing vaccines based on these molecules. Hayley Toet, Postdoctoral Fellow Hayley’s current research focuses on the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica. Current work involves characterizing exposed surface molecules of the parasite using both genomic and proteomic techniques, developing recombinant vaccines for liver fluke in cattle and establishing an in vitro assay for ADCC killing of juvenile fluke. |