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Protein Folding and Metabolism: Bidirectional Role in Diabetes and Heart Disease

发布日期:2018-05-31访问次数: 信息来源: 动物医学院 字号:[ ]

报告题目:Protein Folding and Metabolism: Bidirectional Role in Diabetes and Heart Disease



报告时间:201866日(周三) 1000-1100

报告地点:动科动物大楼 B112室(地下一层)



电话: 010 6273425517611491806




报告人简介:Zhao Wang(王兆)博士,20022008年在美国纽约爱因斯坦医学院攻读细胞生物学博士,毕业后于2008-2013年在德克萨斯大学西南医学中心进行博士后研究,对代谢性疾病相关研究比较深入,实验室主要研究心脏在心性肥大、心力衰竭、心肌梗塞、局部取血//再灌注等情况下的病理性重塑。目前主要专注于病理性心脏重塑机制、糖尿病性心肌病的发生和进展、衰老相关的心肌病以及代谢综合征等方面的研究。





1.Wang ZV, Scherer PE. DsbA-L is a versatile player in adiponectin secretion. ProcNatl Acad Sci U S A. 2008; 105(47): 18077-18078.


2.Wang ZV, Deng Y, Gao N, Zully P, Li DL, Morales CR, Criollo A, Luo X, Tan W, Jiang N, Lehrman MA, Rothermel BA, Lee AH, Lavandero S, Mammen PPA, Ferdous A, Gillette, TG, Scherer PE, Hill JA. Spliced X-box binding protein 1 couples the unfolded protein response to hexosamine biosynthetic pathway. Cell 2014; 156(6): 1179-1192.


3.Wang ZV, Hill JA. Protein quality control and metabolism: bidirectional control in the heart. Cell Metab. 2015; 21(2): 215-226.


4.Wang ZV, Hill JA. Diabetic Cardiomyopathy: catabolism driving metabolism. Circulation 2015; 131(9): 771-773.


5.Bi X, Zhang G, Wang X, Nguyen C, May HI, Li X, Al-Hashimi A, Austin RC, Gillette TG, Fu G, Wang ZV*, Hill JA*. ER chaperone GRP78 protects heart from ischemia/reperfusion injury through Akt activation. Circ Res. 2018. In press. 

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